Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Introduction and Melachot

We are now beginning to learn about the prohibitions on Shabbat. We will start off working through the 39 melachot (forbidden activities) in order.

Introduction - the value of work and saving life

importance of Rabbinic rules

39 melachot, definition, ploughing and planting

reaping and gathering

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Positive Mitzvot 2

Last four shiurim of positive mitzvot of Shabbat.

Oneg Shabbat

Shnaim Mikra and Torah Reading

Havdalah part 1

Havdalah part 2

Positive Mitzvot 1

These are the first 4 shiurim from Midreshet Rachel and Darche Noam. They deal with the positive Mitzvot of Shabbat.
The pdf files still need a lot of editing - I am hoping that you will help me with that. Please read them and e-mail me with any comments or corrections.
Thank you
Rabbi Sedley

Introduction to Positive Mitzvot

Preparing for Shabbat

Lighting Candles
